Saturday, March 26, 2011

smokey eyes vs oriental eyes

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday, June 06, 2010

please visit my new world

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Airbrush Makeup

Airbrush Makeup - A Natural New Look

The secret behind a flawless, seamless makeup coverage of a celebrity is air brush make up. Its similar to Photoshop except that it comes in a bottle. While this cutting edge makeup is great to wear when you attend the Oscars, It is light enough to be worn daily and long lasting.With your big day fast approaching, here are some great wedding make up tips to ensure your make up stays as beautiful as the reason you're celebrating. One of the best wedding make up tips out there is to decide which look you want before the big day. Then, you can practice putting on your make up a couple times beforehand. With a few trial runs, you'll know exactly how to get the look your want and won't have to deal with everything the day of.A similar situation arose when we were given a whole bunch of airbrush makeup machines as samples. She wanted to surprise her daughter with a gift of one, but wanted the absolute best, so she made me do the testing. It was actually really fun, and I got a few of the girls over for a weekend of makeup trials. Here's what happened.The airbrush foundation wins hands down in the best foundation for shiny skin contest due to its quick drying, matte finish, and zero cacking properties which no conventional makeup can boast about. You also get the added advantage of hygienic application as only air and makeup touch your skin without redistributing the oil on your face, while the problem areas are covered and concealed to bring out a flawless and shine-free look.Some airbrush sets come with a finishing powder as well, to ensure that trouble spots stay shine free all day.(sources: articlesbase)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Makeup, Makeup, Makeup

Natural Makeup

The natural look makeup should be barely visible. All skin imperfection must be concealed and some elements must be accentuated to prevent them from "getting lost" due to the photographer's shortcomings-but it must be very light. in this case the most important skill is in the abilityto achievesmooth transitions between the lighter and darker shades of cosmetics. The makeup must be very subtle, so use a light fondation which does not deform the natural structure of natural skin and distribute it evenly so it is virtually invisible

Concealer plays very important role because it help to mask minor imperfecton, dont apply too much powder, use a brush to distributethe cosmetic evenly.

Eye makeup should be limited to evening out the skin tone and eliminating darker areas both under the eyes and on the eyelid. Apply a little conditioner mascara if the light very intensive, add some mascara in the claasic version without lengthening or volumizing particles. Advisely to apply eyedrop which will enhance the coor of the eye white.

Eyebrow, enhance the eyebrow by reshaping or waxing them which will result in aclean and defined look then emphasize it with a neutral beige eyeshadow.

The Blush should imitate the naturaly flushed skin so it should be applied to the apples cheeks very soft colorful accent, choose cream blush which easily blends with the foundation and look more subtle and natural.

The last Stage of this makeup require applying gloss or nourishing lip balm

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Beautiful Brides

Thursday, August 17, 2006

makeup, lighting and......

Makeup & Type of Light

You need to know the type of light in which the proposed make-up will be seen, this is important when deciding upon the correct choice of make-up colors, because the appearance of color may change according to the type of light. Is the make-up to be seen in daylight, in a fluorescent light or incandescent light

For example, an incandescent light or filament produces a much more yellowy light than a fluorescent or neon light. This should be taken in to consideration in choosing her make-up to be used. The following lighting conditions and most common types of bulb are:

1. Daylight
When white light falls on an object, it absorbs some color and reflect other color; it is the reflected color that we see. Thus, an object that we see as red is an object that absorbs the colors in white light except red. A White object that reflect most of the light that fall upon it; a black object absorbs most of the light that fall on it.

Subtle colors should be chosen as daylight intensives color

2. Incandescent light
Evening make-up is usually seen in incandescent light; produced by filament lamp. This produces an excess of red and yellow light, which create a warm, flattering effect. Almost all colors can be use in this light, except that brown and purples will appear darker. Choose a lighter foundation than normal to reflect the light, and use frosted high lighting products where possible for the same reason. Evening make-up will appear very obvious and dramatic in daylight

Brown and purple should be avoided, as these will appear darker. Most other color can be worn

3. Fluorescent light
If make-up is to be worn in the office, it will probably be seen under fluorescent light. This contain an excess of blue and green, which have a cool effect on the make-up, the red in the face does not show up and the face can look drained of color.

Red, yellow and dark colors should be avoided as fluorescent light intensive them; blue tones should be chosen


Why Less is More?

Softly Blended Eyeliner

Heavily lined eyes tend to look small and closed. By applying and blending, you get a cleaner, more define look.

Light Mascara

Wearing too much mascara makes 99% of us look older. Heavy lashes can cast shadow under the eyes, accentuating fine line and creating dark circles

Subtle Eyeshadow
Wearing too much eyeshadow draw attention to your makeup instead to your face

Natural Brow

Why you shouldn’t over pluck Tweezing should expose the brow bone slightly so that natural light hits it, giving your eyes height and brightness. Tweezing brows into the thin lines or half moons robs your face of one its strongest features, younger women naturally have fuller brows, it gives softness